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This is my Portfolio Page!

Under the Sea: My game Under the Sea includes two fish characters as it is a two player game.
The score increases by one when a character touches a food item and decreases
by one when the character touches the nonfood item. After a minute, which ever
character has the highest score wins! There are slight complications with the
scoring but the game is still playable when the character freezes after touching
a nonfood item.

Vinh: Ms. Nguyen's activity for introduction of our game is this Wizard character which
I have named Vinh after my old partner. It was quote fun, but complicated for a first
experience. The Wizard will change its position depending on which direction it is
facing. Also once the Wizard touches a fruit then the fruit will change and go to a
different position in the map. The scripts of the fruit were complicated to start off
with but after a while it was simple to control.

Cakes: This program I produced for my create task involves the high level abstraction
program, Scratch. With this I utlized the blocks provided to create algorithms and
broadcasts to carry out my code. The objective of this game is to collect 10 cakes to win
or lose by missing 3 cakes. There were complications with my code since I initially named the
variables similar names and used too many broadcasts but I managaed to simply it to the
most I could.

The story my partner and I made replicated a rags to riches theme for the main character
Tyrese begins the story as a trash lord. Tyrese has many opportunities to change himself
and learn the responsibility of spending. The both of us had to know and understand the
function of if-elif-else loops in order to create the story. There were major problems
when creating the structure of the story since we wanted it to be original but funny to
our peers. I particularly like this story since it represents my partner's and my own
personality with the different choices and random details. Some of which include the
Anime Expo or Mansion situation if you choose to go a certain way. If we were to improve
on this story, then I'd like to introduce more characters.