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Hi, my name is Katelyn :)

My schedule

1Alg2/Trig- Conlay
2AP Physics- Brunner
3CPUSH- Pratt
4AP Comp Sci Prnc-Nguyen
6XC- Conlay

What's up everyone!! As you can see, I'm Katelyn and this year I'm a junior. Computer science to me is extremely interesting and is something I would love to do in the future. I aspire to inspire others and feel comfortable doing so interacting with others. I find myself really approachable and easy to talk to so I don't bite and I would love to meet new people!! <3

My hobbies

My jamz

  1. 8TEEN- Khalid
  2. Lot to Learn- Luke Christopher
  3. Sun Models- ODEZA
  4. Don't Stop Me Now- QUEEN

There's a time and place for everything but not now! -Professor Oak